Changing the structure of the contract — ways and solutions
Recently, much has been said about the impact of the pandemic on the fate of infrastructure projects, including those structured on PPP terms or on the terms of investment support of projects. Projects in the energy sector Let’s consider the situation in Uzbekistan with the construction of, for example, energy facilities with the participation of […]
How contingent liabilities are counted in Africa
The Ministry of Economic Development of Russia has prepared a bill aimed at improving the procedure for evaluating the conclusion of concession agreements/PPP agreements. By and large, the changes affect only the approval procedure. A little more detail: If the decision to enter into a concession agreement provides for the coordination of the draft concession […]
PPP agencies — do we need them?
Here and below we use data and information from the World Bank report Benchmarking Infrastructure Development 2020: Assessing Regulatory Quality to Prepare, Procure, and Manage PPPs and Traditional Public Investment in Infrastructure Projects First, a definition of what a PPP Unit is. So, a PPP Unit is a specialized government agency or a team of […]
Is the state’s cancellation of the competition results evil or not?
The essence of In 2020, PPP Expertise Eurasia prepared more than 200 people to take the Certified PPP Specialist exam at two levels: Foundation and Preparation. And it is very encouraging that these specialists keep in touch with each other and share their impressions of the course and the PPP situation in general. And we, […]
Framework conditions for PPPs: further development
📒 Creating the framework conditions for the implementation of PPPs is a consistent and progressive process. Here the Republic of Uzbekistan has amended a number of laws, including the PPP law of 2019The law itself in the old version can be viewed here Briefly about the changes: 💰 There is an opportunity to peg the […]
Social bonds: innovations in financing
Objective: To launch innovative financial mechanisms that allow investors to work closely with government agencies to engage private capital in the delivery of public services. One such innovative solution is social bonds. One of the features of such bonds is performance-based payment. In brief, the idea is this: a group of investors enters into an […]
Power in comparison!
The World Bank has launched a website where you can see how each country’s regulatory framework for developing major infrastructure projects is developing around the world.And you can compare it with international best practices as well as with other countries. Who remembers, there was already a similar report from the same World Bank in 2018, […]
Revision of PPP contracts: will the wave hit?
On November 4, there was a presentation for employees of the Asian Development Bank on the fate of PPP projects in these difficult times. Public-Private Partnerships under Stress — Pandemic: Will we see a wave of negotiations to change key terms? As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, many public-private partnership (PPP) projects are under […]
Features of the PPP project in Namangan
Management of the PPP project There is an extremely important point, which, in my opinion, is missed in this project — a working group is not established, with the participation of the Ministry of Housing and Utilities, the Ministry of Finance, the khokimiyat of Namangan and the district, the PPP Agency and the joint stock […]
EOC on PPP terms
Construction of new sewage treatment facilities in Namangan The project is very interesting to me personally, because my first project on the reconstruction of sewage treatment plants was implemented with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development already 20 years ago. Today we will describe what the project itself is, and tomorrow I will describe […]